(For Action Proposal #003's Step 3) Have you executed the Option 2 (i.e. Throw 1800 "darts" to fasten the demise of Syed Hamid Albar)?

(For Action Proposal #003's Step 3) How many friends and family members execute the Option 2 directly because of your influence?

(For Action Proposal #003's Step 3) Are you likely to participate in future civil right actions from this blog site using the 1-2-3 Step scheme?

(For Action Proposal #003's Step 2 Poll) After considering your own situation and effect to be achieved, which Option will you choose:

Status and Actions

Updated Oct 10:
Status: Kick start the Action Proposal #003's Step 1.
Actions Needed: Everyone to read, comment, and debate the proposal.

Updated Oct 14:
Status: Approaching Action Proposal #003's Step 2 Deadline (i.e. 10 PM Oct 15)
Malaysia Today has posted this Action Proposal #003 today. You might want to check its comment sections for analysis related to feasibility, impact, and risk of all Options before finalizing your vote.
Action Needed: Please cast your vote if you have not done so.

Updated Oct 15:
Status: We have decided to push Step 2 deadline from Oct 15 to Oct 17 to allow translated version of the proposal to reach non-English speakers. All subsequent dates have been pushed out two day and are updated in the proposal.
Action Needed: Subscribe to Malaysia Civil Right Action group (if you have not done so) in order to receive action reminders.

Updated Oct 16:
Status: We now have Chinese translation for Action Proposal #003. Seek future Bahasa Malaysia translators.

Updated Oct 17:
Status: Poll Closed. Option 2 get the highest score!
Action needed: Everyone to prepare to execute Option 2 which runs from Oct 18 -23.

Updated Oct 19:
Status: Executing Option 2 as part of Step 3. Posted "We Have Made A Promise" which is also re-posted in MT.
Action needed: Everyone to execute Option 2. At the mean time, please store the article/news/commentary that you think can be a good "ammunition" for executing the Option 2 in the common depository, from which others can use to execute the Option 2.

Updated Oct 22:
Status: Post-Action poll made available (on the top). Malaysia Today posted content of the Option 2.
Action needed: Everyone to take post-action poll once done with executing the Option 2, which will end on Oct 23.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Action Proposal #002: Clean The Gun For A Sharper Shot

(Oct 10 2008 Update: This Action Proposal #002 has expired, please check the main page for currently active actions)
14 days have passed and we the people still cannot get Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) out of jail. Worse still, we know from his wife Marina that he will be in solitary confinement for three months before he is allowed to interact with his jail-mates. His family subsequent visits to Kemunting Jail will only allow him to talk over the phone with screen. On top of that, he will be religiously rehabilitated per reported by JAKIM. While international pariah state Myanmar junta has put its dissident Aung San Suu Kyi in house arrest, we have Malaysia UMNO-BN Administration who treats its dissident as hard core criminal considered dangerous to even his jail-mates.

With the maiden attempt to mobilize people to voice up their outrage through the connectivity of Internet, the Action Proposal No. 001 has modest impact with 56 people actually execute the voted action which results into roughly 120 calls to Prime Minister office. With the comments and the subsequent post-action polls, we learn a few important factors for effective collective civil action. Among those factors are access to big readers base through MT, access to Bahasa speakers, and clarity of instruction. We found also people like (with 95% say yes) the 1-2-3 Step which allows people to participate the decision making and arrive at group decision.

We have combed through the blog sites to find ideas for actions suitable for group participation which will strengthen civil society in the process of help freeing RPK. The 1-2-3 Step can be summarized as analyzing our situation and capability, collect consensus, and then act. Analogically, the 1-2-3 Step can be summarized as prepare the gun, aim the target, and shoot. Here is another instance of the 1-2-3 Steps incorporating the action ideas that can help freeing RPK:

Step 1: Layout the analysis and options for collective action. (i.e. Prepare the "gun")
We have done some analysis on our and BN-UMNO's strength and weaknesses in Action Proposal No. 001. We will not repeat the analysis here. Instead, here are a list of five options we would like everyone to comment its feasibility, impact, and risk:

Option 1: Bring out more Imams to come out to support RPK.

This Option requires each of us who are of Islam faith to hold a talk to at least one Imam or immediate Islam teacher expressing your concern on RPK arrest under the guise of insulting to Islam; And also tell your Imam that you do not love less of your fellow Muslims simply because RPK exposes the ill of the fellow Muslims. If you are not a Muslim, this Option requires you to convince at least one of your Muslim friends to hold the aforementioned talk. This action, if voted in, should be carried out between Oct 6-Oct 8, and thus allow you to come back this site for taking a Post-Action poll which shall give us an objective feedback of our collective effort.

Initial effect analysis: This action, based on the previous poll result and assumption of better communication with Malaysia Today, shall result into roughly 300 actual conversations. This collective action shall reduce the credibility of the government case for incarcerating RPK under ISA.

Risk Analysis: No risk.

Option 2: Wear "Free RPK" T-Shirts to PM Hari Raya Open House

This Option requires each of us attending PM Hari Raya Open House while wearing standard "Free RPK" T-shirt or plain T-Shirt with self-painted "Free RPK" word on it in case you cannot get a hold of the standard "Free RPK" T-shirt. There were 200,000 people who visited PM Open House in Putra World Trade Centre last year. We should wear outer T-shirts to be taken out at the moment of PM presence to achieve more dramatic effect. When you vote on this option, you should assume this is conducted in Putra World Trade Centre. Location: Putra World Trade Centre (Confirmed); Data: Oct 1 (Confirmed); Time: 11:30 AM-4:30 PM (Confirmed).

Initial Effect Analysis: Our voices will be made loader with embarrassment caused to the PM with local and foreign media presence.

Risk Analysis: With the spirit of Hari Raya and media eyes everywhere at the Open House, the authorities dare not to act high-handedly as long as we maintain our orderly manners.

Option 3: Tell your BN MP you want RPK be release or else...

This option requires you to find out your BN MP phone number and make a call to him/her, and then expressing your concern of our civil right being at stake due to RPK incarceration. If you are not under BN MP, please choose a neighboring BN MP as your target. Then make clear that you want RPK be released, or you will work very hard from now on (yes, everyday) to tell everyone in the constituency to vote him/her out in the next election. This action, if voted in, should be carried out between Oct 6-Oct 8, and thus allow you to come back this site for taking a Post-Action poll which shall give us an objective feedback of our collective effort.

Initial Effect Analysis: This action, based on the previous poll result and assumption of better communication with Malaysia Today, shall result into roughly 300 actual calls. With 120 BN MP, each MP shall get about 3 calls over the periods. Each MP knows for each call they receive, there are many more behind ready to dig him/her in the next election if he does not show his disapproval of arresting RPK. Exercising the vote and the threat of exercising the vote is one of the most potent tool at the people hands.

Risk Analysis: No risk

Option 4: Flood PM office with phone calls

This option requires each of us to make at least two calls to PM office. PM Office Phones are: 03-8888-8000 / 03-8888-8032. We keep this as one of the options for you to choose because it is was voted as the highest score in Action Proposal No. 001. This action, if voted in, should be carried out between 9AM Oct 6- 9PM Oct 8, and thus allow you to come back this site for taking a Post-Action poll which shall give us an objective feedback of our collective effort.

Initial Effect Analysis: This action, based on the previous poll result and assumption of better communication with Malaysia Today, shall result into roughly 300 actual calls to PM office over the stated period. That is about 18 calls per hour if most call are done in day time.

Risk Analysis: No risk as long as you make a valid complain.

Option 5: No action for now

You might want to choose this option if you think the other options are not appropriate or effective or other reasons.

You might want to allow people to comment on the above options before you proceed to Step 2. Please subscribe to http://groups.google.com/group/malaysiacivilrightactions so that we could send you reminder for completing the Step 2 and future action reminders. You can also subscribe through the link at the top of this blog site.

In the Step 1, you are urged to comment and debate on the feasibility, impact, and the risk of the above options. Through the comments, we also expound our cases to execute one option over another as a collective action.

Step 2: Collect consensus (i.e. Take aims at the target)

Please cast you vote on the aforementioned options here by 10 PM Sep 30 (Tuesday) here: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/(At the left top column).

When you cast your vote, please assume you are committed to execute the action that you plan to vote. Otherwise, you should just vote "No action for now".

Step 3: Everyone executes the Option with the highest score (i.e. Release the Trigger -"Shoot")

Please come back to check the scored votes after 11 PM Sep 30 (Tuesday) at http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/ (At the top left column); We will close the poll by then.

In order to make the maximum impact, you are highly recommended to execute the action with the highest score even though you have not voted the highest score action. That is how we act collectively for maximum effect. (You of course are still encouraged to execute the other actions not voted in if you have additional time and resources).

Once you have done executing the highest score action, please come back to http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/ (At the top left column) for Post-Action poll so that we could improve our next collective actions.


Dear fellow Malaysians,
If you feel powerless to effect change, I highly recommend you to view this you-tube from Din Merican; The You-Tube illustrates in a very touching and vivid way how our collective fate is at stake with RPK incarceration and how we could change our collective fate.

We would like to acknowledge the more effective contribution done many men and women at the front lines. They are at the trenches risking their well being and freedom in defending the people. Our proposal as created under Malaysia Civil Right Actions Group is designed to help RPK and civil right advancement in a small but specific way - i.e. through activities that are requiring common people, who are free and unstructured in nature, to act and assert their right collectively.

Timeline for executing the above 1-2-3 Steps scheme is:

  • Step 1: Now - 10PM Sep 30 (Tuesday)

  • Step 2: Now - 10PM Sep 30 (Tuesday)

  • Step 3: Duration varies depending on Option chosen; See the duration in the Step 1's Options

If you subscribe to the Malaysia Civil Right Action Group, we will send you reminders of the three steps which require your actions.

As we collectively learn and perfect the 1-2-3 Steps, we could expect to effect more effective actions. At one point we will be able to execute "Ready, Aim, and Fire" in rapid succession. We might be even able to execute parallel "Ready, Aim, and Fire" while still ensuring sufficient focus.

Today we are a weak civil society as shown by our inability to defend the basic human right of such iconic citizen - Raja Petra Kamaruddin. Our ability to defend the civil right, i.e. the right for simply being a citizen, for ordinary people is almost nil. We need to change that.

Today we the civil society defends the civil right of our iconic figure. If we succeed, then tomorrow we can defend the civil right of ordinary men and women.

Let's roll!

-----------------Status Copied Here ------------------

Updated Sep 26:

Status: Kick start the Action Proposal #002's Step 1.Actions Needed: Everyone to read, comment, and debate the Action Proposal #002

Updated Sep 28:

Malaysia Today has posted this Action Proposal #002. You might want to check its comment sections for analysis related to feasibility, impact, and risk of all Options before finalizing your vote.

Update Sep 29:

Status: Option 2 might have highest score; Location and time updated in Action Proposal #002 for Option 2.Action Needed: Start cast you vote if you have not done so. Everyone get prepared for Option 2. Sign-up for the google group (link on top) to get action reminders if you have not done so.

Updated on Sep 30 (1 PM):

Status: There is clear indication to assume Option 2 is foregone "winner".Action needed: All preparation should base on this assumption. If each of us can get three more friends to attend, we will have 238*4 ~= 1000 people to wear the "Free RPK" T-shirts. Of course, we also have other groups such as Hindraf who attend the open house. You might want to bring a few more T-Shirts for impromptu participants.

Updated on Sep 30 (10 PM):

Status: Step 2's Poll closed. Option 2 has been selected collectively! 253 votes casted, reflecting 67% increase of participation compared to the previous Action Proposal. Hari Raya Aidilfitri is confirmed to be on Oct 1; The Open house is confirmed to start at 11:30 AM. More detail in the StarOnline.Action needed: Let's try our respective way to execute the Option 2. From your votes, you have said "inaction is not an option".

Updated on Oct 2:

Everyone to take Post-Action Poll (This is part of Step 3)

Updated on Oct 8:
Action Proposal #002 completed

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Call for Synchronized Action To Help RPK (Action Proposal No. 001)

(Sep 26 2008 Update: This Action Proposal #001 is expired, please check the main page for currently active actions)
Kudos to RPK for upholding his ideals and principles consistently.

It pains me to think someone who upholds justice with peaceful means is arrested without trial. I think the nation is crying for you. We cry, but we shall be calm, and find ways to prevail.

I would like to propose a synchronized action to help RPK as well as to advance the people power for a stronger civil society. Before I layout my proposal, I would like to acknowledge the more effective contribution done many men and women at the front lines - those who are at the trenches risking their well being and freedom in defending the people. My proposal below is designed to help RPK and civil right advancement in a small but specific way.

I would like to start with characterizing our opponent, and help us have a clearer picture of who are we dealing with. While we might be passionate and emotional as the event unfolds, we should maintain our cool heads in analyzing our opponent. I wish our comments on this call-for-action article will also be cool-headed.We shall define our opponent as the current BN-UMNO regime.
We shall define ourselves as Anak Bangsa Malaysia who subscribe to the 1998 Permatang Pauh's Declaration. Among us, we have two rather distinct groups, one is more structured Pakatan Rakyat as political opposition, and another is more loosely organized people such as bloggers, readers, and common people. This call-for-action will be focus on later "us" who are less organized. We shall use "Our Opponent" to refer to BN-UMNO regime as a way to conduct cool-headed analysis and actions.
The Objective of Proposed Synchronized Action
The objective is to reduce the ferocity of the ruthlessness of the ruling regime in strangulating the right of the people. Saving RPK, an iconic figure, will be the rallying cry to achieve the objective.

All the subsequent analysis, including the strength and weakness of our opponent, shall be done based on the above objective.

The Strength of Our Opponent
Our opponent has the tight grip of state instruments; Our opponent strongest strength is its near complete control of police force for countering the political opponents as well as the dissidents from common people. That strength is in full displayed when Our Opponents detain RPK under ISA, and completely shut up the most influential blogger of the nation. The other yet exercised state instrument well inside Our Opponent pocket is the authority to declare state of emergency. Our capability to counter the above two state instrument is indeed very limited up to this point.

Many might have despise Our Opponent's making use of racial and religious sentiment. However, all truth be told, we might have to recognize Our Opponents' gut in making use of racial sentiment as one of their strongest strength. Even if we might think AAB himself have not subscribed to racial politic, I think we should assume Ahmad Ismail incident which attracts 13 division heads' support for his racial remark, shows, in no-uncertain term, that they are high level leaders, with enough political power, in UMNO-BN, who are ready to "divide and conquer" whenever the situation is ripe. Some of those leaders in Our Opponent camp are ready to sacrifice the people well being and future for mere political end -- this statement should not be read as condemnation but as a way to recognize the reality. Our capability to counter the UMNO-BN strength in making use of race and religion can not be overly estimated even with the presence of Internet. An example of the Our Opponents strength is that they are still capable of marshaling state religious institutions to blast RPK before they rein in with ISA arrest; We might not want to under-estimate the influence of those religion institutions on general public, especially those without access to Internet.

The Weaknesses of Our Opponent
I think the most glaring weaknesses of Our Opponent is the lacking of idea for rallying the people. Good proposals and ideas from Our Opponents are few and far in-between.

In the past 51 years, Our Opponent had slowly lost its ideal and vision. While it is not clear whether the money political causes the lost of ideal or the lost of ideal causes money political, it is clear that we can hardly find a leader from Our Opponent to expound hope and visions for the people. It should not be a surprise that public gatherings by Our Opponent can no longer be glued together with ideal and hopes, but by fear and defensiveness, as shown in ITuM protest, series of "post-mortem" meetings after March 8, and recently, Ahmad Ismail's press conferences and on-going "road tours".

What motivate Our Opponent
Without ideal and vision, Our Opponent can only be motivated by very few things: The greed for power and money. The greed of power includes the unstoppable desire to hold on power with despicable means such as ISA arrests and lies. The greed for power and money exhibits both the strength and weaknesses of Our Opponent.

Our Strengths
Our strongest strength is that there are many of us, which amount to hundred of thousands, if not millions.

We have one abstract but highly valuable strength, and this is our ideal and vision, as inscribed in 1998's Permatang Pauh's Declaration, and as re-iterated and expounded innumerable time in different words in the cyber space. Those ideal and vision, while cannot be realized over-night, are powerful "thing" that glues us together. The ideal and vision are bound to produce creative ideas if we were given appropriate ecology to nurture them.

Another strength in our pocket is our connectedness through the cyber space. Amazing Internet is a heck of good fault-tolerance system; Attempt to shutdown Malaysia Today fails to remove our connectedness. Instant communication in cyber space is both additive and empowering. We are also connected not only within the border of Malaysia; We are connected everywhere in the world. The power of such connectedness can hardly be over-estimated.

Our Weaknesses
While there are many of us, each of us is highly vulnerable to state power. This weaknesses is self-evident as shown in the arrest of RPK and Teresa Kok; The arrests are easily executed despite RPK as highly popular and respected blogger, and Teresa Kok being the people representative with formal mandate. Our vulnerability is even more visible when we realize that all we can do to save the detainees is through begging the authority -- because ISA is not subject to judicial review and no judge can undo the ISA detention without himself violating the laws of the land.

In the cyber space, we are not structurally organized. Our distributed nature is the source of our creativity, but it is also our glaring weakness in asserting focused pressure. Without the mean for focusing pressure, we are quite helpless in asserting our civil right.

The Call For Action

Taking account the above analysis, I have created the 1-2-3-Step to help release RPK:

Step 1: Post Call-For-Action Proposal and Comments

I, serve as the author of this proposal, posted this article.
Everyone please analyze and post your comments on the action options contained in the Step 2. Please feel free to comment any other areas in the article.
However, you are not allowed to change the actions list because the changes will invalid the vote result. However, I or someone can in the future raise another proposal to cover good actions not currently listed.

Step 2: Please votes on the following actions:

Option 1: Flood PM office with phone call around the clock

This option requires us to make calls to PM office. PM Office Phones are: 03-8888-8000 / 03-8888-8032. Let's coordinating the calls so that it goes round clock for 2 days. Use the first letter of your first name; And mapped it to the hour starting from 00:00 AM. That is, the hour 00:00 is for those with first name starts with letter "A" to make the calls. 01:00 for letter "B", and so on. Let's start the calls at 1 PM Sep 22 (Monday), and our last call at 1 PM, Sep 24
Effect: There should be some psychological impacts if we have thousand of calls. PM secretary might tell AAB: "Lines are flooded with demand to release RPK the whole day; Statistic shows we have 10,000 calls today..." . It will be even better if the phone system is simply shutdown accidentally or deliberately (by the PM staffs)-- then we can report it here and possibly make it a news.

Option 2: Send synchronized emails to PM Office
This option requires us to send email at the exact time. The PM office email is ppm@pmo.gov.my. We need to send email at exactly 10 AM Sep 23.
Effect: The sheer number of emails should have some psychological impact. The secretary might report to PM: "I received 20000 emails all within 5 minutes, and they all ask for releasing RPK. Can I just delete all of them?".

Option 3: Flood calls to Deputy IGP Ismail Omar's office
The option requires us to call the Acting IGP Ismail Omar through Bukit Aman phone number 03-2262-6222. When you call, you of course will be directed to his staff but you probably should start with "May I speak with Tan Sri Omar directly please, ..." to show that you mean business. Let's coordinating the calls so that it goes round clock for 2 days. Use the first letter of your first name; And mapped it to the hour starting from 00:00 AM. That is, the hour 00:00 is for those with first name starts with letter "A" to make the calls. 01:00 for letter "B", and so on. Let's start the calls at 1 PM Sep 22 (Monday), and our last call at 1 PM, Sep 24

Option 4: No action for now
You might want to choose this option if you think the other options are not appropriate or effective.

Please cast you vote here by 11 AM Sep 22 (Monday) here: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/
(At the right hand column).

When you cast your vote, please assume you are committed to execute the action that you plan to vote. Otherwise, you should just vote "No action for now".

Step 3: Everyone executes the action with the highest score
Please come back to check the scored votes after noon Sep 22 (Monday) at http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/ (At the right hand column); I will close the poll by then.
In order to make the maximum impact, you are highly recommended to execute the action with the highest score even though you have not voted the highest score action.

My fellow Malaysians,
This is time for action with the 1-2-3 Step above, let's roll!
The clock is ticking while RPK is languishing in the jail!
You need to believe the future is in your hands before you can shape your future.

Note 1: If the above format of asking for synchronized action works well in cyber space, we could make use of it's framework for other purpose going forward.
Note 2: The above action alone is not likely to release RPK; So, executing the action above should not be an excuse not to do other things that can help releasing RPK.

Past Polls of Action Proposal #002

Here is the past poll results:

(For Action Proprosal #002's Step 2 Poll) After considering your own situation and effect to be achieved, which Option will you choose:

(Post-Action Poll For Action Proposal #002) Have you executed the Option 2, i.e. Wear "Free RPK" T-Shirt to PM Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House ?

(Post-Action Poll For Action Proposal #002) How many friends and family members execute the Option 2 directly because of your influence?

(Post-Action Poll For Action Proposal #002) Are you likely to participate in future civil right actions from this blog site using the 1-2-3 Step scheme?

Past Polls for Action Proposal #001

Here is past poll results:

Which action you think is the most effective to help releasing RPK from ISA?

Are you likely to participate in future civil right actions from this blog site using the 1-2-3 Steps scheme?

Have you executed the Option 1 which runs from 1 PM Sep 22 to 1 PM Sep 24?